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General Information

Nepal education society in a non profit organization focused in educational program for Children and women especially in Dhading, Okhaldhunga, Kathmandu , Chitwan and Makwanpur District of Nepal. The initiation of the program has been taken from from 1st January 2003 with 2 children’s at Nalang VDC at Dhading by  Ms. Ann-Helen sella Opdal and Bharat Regmi. The sponsored numbers of children are increased in every next year with the help of more sponsors from all around the world.  Currently, Mr./Mrs. Karl Johan and Lilly Grete Haaness, Mrs/Mr. Helga Longva and Arne Dyrhol, Mr./Mrs Eirik and Ella Oterholm, Ms. Karin Moesby and Mr./Mrs. Karl Johan and Helga Iren Haanes, Britt Muren, Gro Kristine Brandal, Ingeborg Van Frankenhuyzen, UDO Zwankhuizen, Haestadnesset (4770 Hovag Norway), Lisbeth Knotten (Oslo Norway), Unndis Sundnes (Oslo Norway), Lena Marie Sundnes (Oslo Norway), Tone og Svein Erik Jensen (Oslo Norway), Terje Kjode (Orsta Norway), Mr.Karl Christian and Kjellaug Faye, Karin Dahlstrøm Hansen, Høyendalsveien 8, 1800 Askim Norway, Ina Artun Norway are sponsoring to some of our kids for their schooling.

Currently, we are helping 28 children from different part with the help from different sponsors.

Why Sponsor?
Government of Nepal has free education to all nationals till they are in grade 5 but they won't take care for the uniform and other education materials. Children from countryside part of Nepal are also domestic helpers to their parents so that their parents could go in agriculture job which makes their kinds not to go to school. Since we have big economic and political crisis in the country that there are hardly schools in many villages and parents are not able to send their kids away for education due to financial crisis. We strongly believe that the new generation with better education can bring the change in the family in term of socio-economic factor. And it is great opportunity for the children’s build-up the carrier and further life.  

Who will be benefited??
The first priority will be given to the poor orphanage children and the victim children from the political conflict in the country. The children from the disadvantage group who have financial crisis and not aware with the advantage of sending their kids to school by the parents.

How a sponsor child benefits from the money you provide??
Your money does not go to the individual child that you sponsor. So that NES can make efficient use of funds, the money is pooled with contributions from other sponsors to support for Education programs benefiting communities.

 Where to send??
We send the kids to the best available school in the surrounding. Obviously, it depends with the money that school charge and we are always aware with the higher literacy percentage rather then limited facilitated kids in the organization.

How to select the children?
Local government body or community from the village should issue a letter with the request for the need and recognize it, in which the selection committee will consider after the visit to the kids family and decide.

Target age??
We are focused with the orphanage, poor and disadvantage group of children between 5 to 10 years.

How long to be sponsored?
We are focused for secondary level of education to all children, which is actually minimum education that you require for the normal job application in many field.

NES extra program:
Current programs:
Nepal education society is also working with extra education program during morning and evening in the different village aria since two year. NES has opened a community class in various subjects for the students from government school that they couldn't follow well with the teaching in their school. We took a private house as a center where the students are kept in the floor with hay mat. NES is taking care to find the volunteers and teachers with minimum salary.

NES is also working together with a people who are interested to build the School building in different part of Nepal who take care for building a school and furniture, where the local people do the volunteer labor job and participated to build the building. Recently, on help of some Japanese people a building with 5 rooms has been completed and handed to community of Dhading Nalang.

In future, NES is interested to make a building for secondary level school as the infrastructure and the building of the school in Dhading where the local community just started secondary education from 2007 and the student did not have prepare class room. The community make temporarily grass hut.

NES is also interested to make a small building with few rooms for the extra classes to the students, the community extra class in the village for all kinds of children’s who couldn't follow well with the teaching in their school.  Which also can be used for the women literary program, and the building can be used for other social work in the village.

Copyright Nepal Education Society. 2007. All rights reserved.